Conversing with Mother Nature

ANOTHER snow system? Goodie. Look Mother Nature, out here at the ranch, we need running water in all the barns, so please keep the temperature above 35. Otherwise I have to haul water buckets to four different pens. Do you know how much water weights? Yes, of course you do. Sorry, I wasn’t thinking. Well, 8 pounds times 4 gallons is heavy the first time but by the time I’ve hauled water to the different pens, I’m worn out, more than likely wet, definitely cold, and not happy. That’s why I’m asking you to please keep the temperature above 35? When the automatic watering systems work on their own I have time and energy to make my goat milk skin care products. Not to mention what this weather does to my skin. Not good. It’s a good thing I have a factory full of lotion.

While we’re talking, would you mind turning down the MPH of the wind? We live on a hill so we get the full-blown effect of your winds. You’re blowing off roof shingles. Getting a roofer out here to replace a few shingles is pricie at best. That is IF we can find a roofer who’ll come out this far just to replace a few shingles. Most of them want to replace the roof. Granted we could use a new roof, but not now, please. We need more fencing first. We would appreciate you leaving the roof alone for three more years. You’re consideration would be greatly appreciated.

We’ll talk about the mud later, if you don’t mind. I have chores to do. But if you’re thinking about how much more rain, sleet and snow you think we need. how about you letting up a bit. You know like 35 degrees, gentle breezes, with intermittent showers and mostly sunny.

Thank you for listening, Mother Nature. Nice talking with you.